
She/Her        He/Him     They/Them   She/They      He/They

These are just some of the pronouns that we can identify with when using the English language. Pronouns are used as an alternative to our names. It is something personal that we should be comfortable with and identify with.

Pronouns do not in any way reveal a person’s sexual orientation. However, it helps with affirming our gender identity. Transgender and non-binary people affirm their identity by using the pronouns that they prefer and identify with. It is important that we share our pronouns so that the practice can be normalized. Sharing our pronouns should definitely not be used to “out” us or to reveal our SOGIESC to the world. It is simply the practice of using words that assert our own identities. Pronouns have and will always be for everyone’s identification and not just for LGBTQIA+ individuals.

In Filipino language, we do not have gendered pronouns. We use “ako”, “ikaw”, “siya, “sila”, etc. Our pronouns became gendered because of colonial influence, and this difference between languages shows that existing words can be oppressive and may be used to invalidate our identities. Hence, celebrating International Pronouns Day and normalizing the practice of sharing our pronouns, regardless of one’s SOGIESC, are tangible ways of reclaiming words to our advantage.

So, what are your pronouns?

#InternationalPronounsDay #PronounsMatter #YESToEquality #LoveWins #SOGIEEqualityNow #PassADBNow #GALANGPhilippines

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