Celebrating Transgender Awareness Week 2019

Today marks the start of the week-long celebration of Transgender Awareness, which leads up to the 20th anniversary of the International Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). Commemorating TDOR visibilizes transgender people, zooms in to their lived experiences, and the discrimination and violence that they continue to face.

A person’s gender identity can only be decided by themselves, and no one can dictate it. No one can impose how transgender people live their truths, along with how they choose to express and reaffirm their gender.

We at GALANG relentlessly work for equality and equity regardless of a person’s SOGIE, and urges everyone to respect and acknowledge that transgender people exist.

#TransAwarenessWeek #WontBeErased #YEStoEquality #LoveWins #SOGIEEqualityNow


We thank Badeth, Yan, and Ash for proudly sharing their pictures.
📷 ©http://glaad.org/transweek

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