As we commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, join GALANG Philippines in resonating the global call to:
RESIST all forms of discrimination and violence that plague people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual characteristics (SOGIESC). For decades, the community has been struggling to assert their identities and rights due to the continued vicious attacks that compromise their mental, physical, and emotional health.
SUPPORT persons with diverse SOGIESC from all walks of life. As we remain supportive of individuals, we should also highlight different organizations that act as support groups for queer individuals. These organizations help hold our community together no matter how many trying times befall upon us.
HEAL through structural changes to mend decades of hurt and trauma. We call on our government to pass an anti-discrimination law that would protect the rights and lives of people with diverse SOGIESC. True healing can only come from sincere love and acceptance. We hope that our society’s traditional laws and beliefs continue to change towards an inclusive and non-discriminatory world where no one has to hide their SOGIESC nor get hurt by being their authentic selves.
Together, let’s RESIST, SUPPORT, and HEAL!
#InternationalDayAgainstHomophobiaTransphobiaAndBiphobia #IDAHOTB2021 #YESToEquality #LoveWins #PassADBNow #SOGIEEqualityNow #GALANGPhilippines
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