To this date, LGBT+ individuals continue to encounter various forms of discrimination and violence. In 2017, GALANG’s well-being index (WBI) survey showed that almost 50% of the lesbians, bisexual women and trans men (LBT) respondents experienced verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and discrimination in employment because of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE). While more than a third of the respondents were rejected by their own family because of their SOGIE.
In resonance with the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia’s (IDAHOTB) theme, “Justice and Protection for All”, we remain steadfast in our commitment in pushing for the passage of the Anti-Discrimination/SOGIE Equality Bill, and advocating for more SOGIE-inclusive policies in both the public and private spheres. Implementation of age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education in schools would help prepare each person on SOGIE-related life challenges, while enforcing inclusive social protection policies would set the standards in promoting diversity and acceptance.
#IDAHOTB #IDAHOTB2019 #YEStoEquality #GALANGPhilippines #JusticeAndProtectionForAll