It was only in 2013 that a national legislation to combat bullying in school was passed. However, even with the Anti-Bullying Law in place, bullying among our youth is still rampant and prevalent—children are often mocked because of their chosen gender expression which may not be stereotypical or does not fit the rules of their schools. Bullying leads to physical, emotional, and mental wounds for our children of diverse SOGIESC, so we must get rid of it as soon as possible. Our schools should be the second home of children, and not a place where they receive continuous hurt.
GALANG’s researches have shown that our transgender siblings are most often targeted and experience higher incidence of bullying and discrimination. The mere fact of living one’s truths has led to loss of thousands of lives due to transphobia. It is with great rage and sadness that we must acknowledge that transphobia kills and will take more lives if we do not eradicate all forms of discrimination soon!
Today is a day of hurt. A day to remember the lives that we have lost, but it is also a reminder that we must act to change our society so that no more will be lost to senseless violence.
Today we mourn, tomorrow we rise and fight again.
Start standing up to bullying today.
Trans rights are human rights.
Trans lives are human lives.
#StandUpToBullyingDay #TransgenderDayOfRemembrance #TDoR2020 #SayTheirNames #JusticeforTransLives #LoveWins #YESToEquality #SOGIEEqualityNow #PassADBNow #GALANGPhilippines
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